Team Hartman raised $3,600 for the 2011 Sarcoma Family Fun Event. Monetary donations, BBQ Chicken Sales, NY City Bus Trip & T-shirt donations comprise the monies collected this year. Thanks to all who contributed in any way! It is greatly appreciated!
Team Hartman raised … Oct 2010
$3300 + with donations still coming in! So thankful for all the support my Friends & Family have shown, YOU are the Best!
T-Shirt Presentations
Since Dr Weber & Dr Frassica were/are MAJOR players in my cancer journey, I thought it only appropriate to make them official members of THE TEAM!
They are IN!
2010 Team Sarcoma Event
Just letting you know, I am participating in a SARCOMA Awareness & Fund Raising Event to be held, Saturday, October 16th here in MD. This is an “All Wheels Welcome” type of event, meaning bicycles, roller blades, scooters, skate boards and wheelchairs. In addition, runners & walkers are welcome. I’ll be a WALKER for now!
I would love to have some of you participate along side of me! Dr. Kristy Weber is one of the organizers. She is my Orthopedic Oncologist & the person who “saved” my leg. You can see her interviewed & learn more about Sarcomas at I have become actively involved in helping the JOHNS HOPKINS group heading up this effort. If you are interested in participating, I would be so THANKFUL & HAPPY. The registration deadline is October 1, although they will not turn people away on the day of the event.
If you are not able to participate but would like to contribute financially, I will accept checks payable to “Johns Hopkins Sarcoma Program”. In the memo of the check, please indicate in honor of Lisa Hartman. This will ensure the monies get to the Sarcoma Research area. I am trying to raise awareness & funds for the cause.
At our last meeting, there were about 6 sarcoma survivors. In that group, I am the OLDEST in terms of survival. It’s been 4 years & 5 months for me. Everyone else was less than 2 years out. I am truly grateful beyond words & hope to help the Dr’s & Hospital who helped me. For those who are not aware, there is no such thing as a Sarcoma survivor group. More people than not die from this type of cancer.
I hope this message finds you all in good health!