I had completed the first set of radiation treatments & thought I was preparing for round 2 of chemo. I felt so bad that it was really hard to tell where the “issue of the day” originated. I had gone to lunch with a work friend on a Monday & threw up before leaving the restaurant. Tuesday I threw up again. Wednesday I was sick with chills/fever. These were signs but I didn’t realize it. I was slated to go in for my next round of chemo on Thursday, Feb 23. It’s like waiting for THE CALL. I figured we could address these oddities when I got there. Since Hopkins does chemo 24/7, you are given an “estimated” admission date. Now this is not necessarily the date you will be admitted, it all depends if they have empty beds. The concept is great but living it is HELL!
I didn’t get the call on the 23rd or 24th. By Saturday, the 25th I felt so bad I could barely function. I was throwing up, chills & hot flashes. We finally called Hopkins & the Dr’s on Call, we were on our way to the hospital. I don’t remember a lot. Only that Mom, Oneida & Sue were with me. I remember laying in the bed shivering out of control & them putting their coats on me & then I was out. I really don’t remember much of anything for about a good 2 days. I HAD AN INFECTION, low potassium levels & a temperature of 104.5! (This day almost did me in.)
By Monday, they determined the infection was in the Hickman Line, so it was removed. Alice came to spend some time & brought her hair clippers. That day, she shaved my head! My hair was starting to fall out & you better believe, I was testing it around day 15, post chemo. It was right on schedule for falling out & it was another thing that would cause me to throw up.
Alice said I LOOKED GOOD but what else was my Sister gonna say? The top of my head felt like Dad’s with his flat-top!