Yesterday several things happened but the worst was that I FELL. I was attempting to come up the steps to my condo. I started on my BAD LEG (which is DUMB). None the less, I ended up on the cement at the bottom of the steps with a very distraught friend standing over me. I have a nice “goony” on my left arm/elbow as if I slid into second base. Otherwise, I am fine. Bottom line is my leg would not pick up my foot to go up the steps. This is the reason for the cane & my instability. Other than MY PRIDE, I am fine. Actually, I am quite grateful for my solid frame for protection in this situation. I am sure I will look different when you see me as I have lost 25 pounds. If my hair falls out by next week, I will truly look different. I hope I am PRETTY, BALD & my head is not too FAT, if it comes to that!